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Life & Hope

Presenting challenging questions about life, 

and our search for hope. 

Exploring our evidence, reasoning, and then, faith. 


Life Questions

Why Suffering?

Possible causes of suffering... 1. We don't know everything.2. A higher purpose - a wake-up call from God, to get our attention. God's megaphone to a deaf world, being allowed by God to bring us to our own end and to repent for our higher eternal good.3. We are all in...

What has God given you?

God has given us so much! Many couldn't think of anything... A few said, "Not much!" What about sunsets, sunrises, flowers, life itself, love and friendships, as well as hope! Certainly our own human weaknesses can destroy much happiness. There are also storms,...

Should we say “Sorry” – to others, and to God?

"Sorry" is not so easy to say... Probably because it hurts our pride! Some said that saying "sorry" would go against their personal self-image, and that would hurt their self-confidence and self-respect. So, they wouldn't say it. Most thought it was a good thing to...

Ignorance is Bliss – True, Depends, or False?

The "depends" won the day! It depends on whether the issue in question is trivial or big, some people thought.  I don't want to have full knowledge about all the dark doings on the streets of the centre of our city at night, like the police would know. Those terrors...

Can God forgive your wrongs?

"Yes" and "No"!  How does that work? Surely one or the other, or the most popular choice, "No God"! Well, it depends on whether we try to get forgiveness for our wrongs from the 'system' God himself has put in place, or the way we think it is, or should be. Pretty...

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other…” Will we do it?

"Yes" was the answer!  That is, we will be kind and compassionate to each other. Great! We are all made in the image of God, so all of us have the capacity to be kind and compassionate. No one group has the sole copyright or monopoly on this ability. However, the back...

Why are nature and the universe so ordered and rational?

"The Origin of Species..."?  With the mention of nature and the universe, most people would think of Evolution and the Big Bang Theory. Not surprising, since we have had those 2 hypotheses 'rammed down our throats' since primary school. They are very stong belief...

Who do you most want to forgive you?

God? Other people? Yourself?  They were the 3 choices! Which would you choose? On the day, the last was by far the most popular! I chose the first. It is to do with the most important person I strongly believe I have most offended. Offending God is far worse for me...

Is this life all there is?

It was a surprise to me that in a secular stronghold, most people voted for "No", "this life is not all there is"... It was easy to explain why that happened. Most people in that area are either Atheists, or Western Buddhists/Pantheists. The latter were the ones who...

What don’t you like about Christianity?

Most people looked like they had lots of thoughts as to why they didn't like Christianity. However, they were reluctant to write them down! Some said they didn't like the authority and control. Others that they didn't like any religion. Nobody addressed the issue of...

Would Jesus judge you for your words?

Jesus said we would be judged by our words... However, more people at the market said that maybe he never existed at all! That is another question for another day. In the Bible, Matthew unequivocally quotes Jesus as saying: "But I tell you that everyone will have to...

Who is “the ruler of this world”?

Themselves, their cat, bacteria and fungi were given as some of the answers. Others gave the expected big names of tech, finance, and power.  However, the question comes from a direct quote of Jesus, included 3 times in the Bible on different occasions.  He said that...

What is it to be HUMAN?

"Made in the image of God."  That's the most standout quality for me, as to what makes us human. So what do you think to be "made in the image of God" would mean? Here's the statement from the beginning of the Bible. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image,...

What controls you?

What would you like to be controlled by? Most would say, "Myself!" It usually doesn't work out that way in real life... The answers opposite show just some of those that were offered that day.  My thoughts were: I am controlled by my desire to please God, since he is...

Are we without excuse?

Challenge yourself... "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since...

Can God know your thoughts?

Who is happy with God listening in to all their thoughts?   Those who voted 'No God' made it easy for themselves. However, there were an equal number of votes for 'Yes', God can know our thoughts! Some of those were Christians (Followers of Jesus). The majority...

Would Jesus be ‘woke’?

Depends on what YOU mean by woke...  It really did on the day! Those who thought that being woke was simply to be someone who rose up against racism and abuses of power in society usually voted "Yes!". Jesus was certainly against racism, saying that he had come for...

Which attitude is better for our society?

Self-absorption or self-sacrifice?  Another way of putting it - serving self only, versus serving others? If we are self-absorbed, do we recognize it? Self-absorption is only concerned with self, and the importance of self. If we are self-sacrificing, do we recognize...

Is Buddhism about putting down all your desires?

Buddha's main thesis?  "We can eliminate suffering when we cease to desire."    From my reading over the years, that seems to encapsulate it.  Certainly there are other major themes for all Buddhists, be they eastern or western/eclectic Buddhists. However, does that...

Can men be pregnant?

How has this question arisen?  Apple released a new emoji earlier this year for a pregnant man. As well, the leader of the opposition in Australia stated that he wasn't 'woke', and that men couldn't be pregnant, even though the official and celebrated position of his...

These days, what can’t we talk about?

Freedom of public discussion?  Some said on the day that we can talk about everything! What's the problem? Others said we can't, and that there are many things we can't talk about. I decided that the former must be people who agree with the mainstream media woke...

Is Hell self-chosen?

Mention of Hell...?  That word can confront! We know that some think they are already living in it. Strangely enough, such people seem to live in the comfortable West, from my observation. What if Hell would be just in this life? What we do has consequences, so "yes",...

What are our idols, and will they get us through?

"Idols" in the survey was taken to only mean "celebrity idols" That was a surprise to me! What about "idols" that we make in our lives as being of the greatest importance to us personally, and as a society? Things like money and wealth. Like sex and leisure. Like...

What’s good about Christmas?

Right up front I will say that for me Christmas starts and finishes with Jesus. He was the reason 2,000 years ago for it to start in the first place, wasn't he? That's why it is called Christ-mas. The last 3 letters meaning to celebrate. How long will it last?...

Why Christmas presents?

Christmas presents point to God, the giver of Jesus, who in turn, can bring us to God.

Is suicide ever ok?

Suicide is never ok

Your tattoos – their meaning for you?

There are some things we really want - like tattoos! Then we research them, chase and nail them. It's all a bit of fun. However, to get a tattoo takes time, a certain amount of pain, and money. It is also fairly permanent! Those who choose tattoos, have their own good...

Climate Change – has God lost control?

We should ask this… Where do you stand with the big issue of Climate Change? We all have an opinion about this! As well, we would all base our individual strong opinion on what we would claim to be strong scientific evidence and reasoning. To be really honest, we...

Can love be lust? Can love be pure?

Depends on how you define "love" That word has about as broad a use in society as the word "Christian"! The scope goes from the cheap "made with love" label of a mechanically manufactured biscuit, to the sublime relationship between some couples of self-giving...

Do you reap what you sow?

Negative consequences follow from our negative actions? They usually do, but not always. For instance, sickness doesn't necessarily follow, unless we have been adopting an unhealthy lifestyle. It is to do with the law of cause and effect. You could even say cosmic...

Is there a universal right and wrong?

Should everyone find their own truth?  Or are there some givens in all societies that are constant, and even part of our conscience? Should everyone just do what is right in their own eyes, like moral relativism? Ethical standards in each of us are real, even if we...

True or False? “The end justifies the means.”

We decide such challenges by our beliefs and worldview  It involves something like, "Not just where you get to, but how you get there." Also, "Not just what you get, but how you get it." It includes ethics and morality. Can there be morally wrong actions, for morally...

Is Sex the new and highest religion?

Our culture has elevated sex  Sex is great, and such a gift to us! In its rightful place... We all know that it also can devastate in the wrong circumstances. Coercion, trafficking, rape for a start... What about sexual faithfulness? Is that higher or lower in this...

Should sexual identity be regarded as the main core identity of a person?

Surely there is more to my life and identity than just my sexuality?  We can do better than that, can't we?  What if I didn't live in such an affluent country? Food, drinks, freedom, individualism, and employment as given 'entitlements'? What if I didn't have as much...

What is the most major wrong in the world?

There are many contenders for this ignominious category! Things like Marxism, Climate change, trafficking, Covid, alarmism. The list could go on. Something even more wrong than trafficking I am thinking about something even more foundationally wrong than trafficking....

How will we escape the wrath of God?

If you don't believe that God exists, or if you don't believe the Bible is true, then you wouldn't be bothered by this challenging question. However, if you do believe both, then what does the Bible say about this? The Bible says... "It is a dreadful thing to fall...

Will there be a “Day of Judgement”?

Many would scoff at such a thought Most wouldn't see a 'Day of Judgement' even as a threat. However, Jesus often talked about such an event as real and coming. He didn't mince his words about it either. He gives the result for those who are on the wrong side of the...

Were there dinosaurs on Noah’s ark?

Sighting of Dinosaurs Secular evolution has it that dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago, and that no human has ever seen a living dinosaur. However, if you replace the word dinosaur with dragon, then it becomes a different matter. It was in 1841 that dragons were...

What’s lacking in Christianity?

Do you think Christianity is deficient? What I call 'Cultural Christianity' is definitely deficient, in my opinion. That is what a lot of people think Christianity is, but it is only a name-only version, and a poor one at that. You could call it 'Churchianity' with...

Does pursuing abortion and euthanasia enhance our credibility as a civilised society?

'Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?  Does being pro-life mean that society is more civilised, or does being pro-choice mean that? You can see from the blackboard result opposite that the majority of respondents in the market thought the latter. I do find that difficult to accept...

Why is there evil? Where does it come from?

Evil can be thought of as the absence of good. Another way to think of it is as the opposite of good. Some may say "bad karma". An evolutionary worldview Evil would be fully expected in an evolutionary worldview, based on "survival of the fittest", and "dog eat dog",...

What sort of God don’t you believe in?

Probably, I also don't believe in that God! Misconceptions and stereotypes can travel in all directions. Is it that God who is really mean, the Richard Dawkin's one, or the one that hates only LGBT people, or the one that will never forgive someone who's had an...

Where have we humans come from?

Where have we humans come from?

With at least 1 out of 4* occupants destined to die, isn’t the womb the most dangerous place to live? (*WHO)

The WHO statistic is disquieting, isn't it? Nowadays it's difficult to know what percentage of pregancies end in spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), and what percentage from induced abortions (terminations of pregnancy). It seems that the spontaneous ones are mostly...

In this ‘Sexular Age’, should sexual identity trump everything else?

What should trump everything else?  We all make priorities in our lives. Instinctively, we choose what is most important and what is less, and then seek to live with as little inconsistency as possible. Would life, or love, faithfulness, choice, God, Atheism, or...

What will happen to me after I die?

What happens to me after I die? Judgement by Jesus, go to heaven, go to hell, reincarnation, nothing at all, rest in peace, start all over?

How should I live my life?

How should I live my life? For me, it is to please the wonderful God of the Bible.

Why am I here anyway?

Why am I here anyway?


Challenging Questions

1. Where have we come from?

2. Why am I here?

3. How should I live?

4. What will happen to me after I die?

Where do we get our evidence and reasoning from, for the big and important questions in life?

Those sources drive our faith, our belief.

In the end, will they prove to be true, and showing what is reality? Or will they prove to have been untrue, producing only wishful thinking, false hope, and blind faith?

So then:

How much of our hope is actually based on blind faith, from the wrong resources?


Why Life & Hope?

Both necessary parts of living life successfully and purposefully…

For many, life is difficult, for whatever reason.

However, there can be great hope, living hope.

Hope that is not just good feelings, but grounded in reality.

Hope that, in the end, will be found to be not just wishful thinking, but fulfilled hope…

Get in Touch

Let’s talk

I’d like to hear thoughts about hope in life. 

I am better at asking questions, than answering.

Feel free to post and start a conversation. 


Life & HOPE


I love exploring evidence, reasoning, and then faith.

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