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Right up front I will say that for me Christmas starts and finishes with Jesus. He was the reason 2,000 years ago for it to start in the first place, wasn’t he? That’s why it is called Christ-mas. The last 3 letters meaning to celebrate.

How long will it last?

However, with so little about Jesus Christ in Christmas these days, and instead “holiday season”, “festive season”, and many others, how long will the title last?

Can our society still play for years on end with the Santa story? When will reality kick in? Holidays are great, but what about something more existential and longer-term meaningful for a hurting world?

Jesus came for us hurting people in this hurting world

No other faith has God coming down and living here and identifying with us. No other has God taking our shame and punishment for our rebellion against him, so that we can be led back to him.

That’s why Jesus came (Christmas), died (Good Friday), and rose from the dead (Easter Sunday). As the Son of God, if we are willing, since he never forces, he can take us back to God, allow our wrongs to be forgiven, and have us live with him forever on the new earth of heaven.

How good is that?


Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash