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Mention of Hell…? 

That word can confront!

We know that some think they are already living in it. Strangely enough, such people seem to live in the comfortable West, from my observation.

What if Hell would be just in this life? What we do has consequences, so “yes”, it would be self-chosen, according to the choices we make. Or it could be due to circumstances outside our control, such as sickness, weather or accidents.

If Hell will be a reality in the life following this brief one, then what?

What could we do now to stop that being a personal horrible reality then?

Jesus rebuked Jewish religious hypocrites in front of him.

“You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to Hell?

Matthew 23:33 (NIV)(

Jesus spoke more about Hell in the Bible than anyone else and in a way that shows that he understood it to be a real and specific place of punishment away from God.

Someone told me the following…

Hell – Real, Terrible, Avoidable

Avoidable? By just being “good”, or religious?

Not according to the Bible. The only way is to be forgiven by God for the way we have rejected or ignored him in our lives, as well as rejected or ignored the only way we can be forgiven and brought into happy relationship.

That way is through Jesus, taking our shame, punishment, and God’s wrath against us on our behalf. He did that, rescuing us, but we need to fully accept it and then live it.

What do you think?





Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash