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There are many contenders for this ignominious category!

Things like Marxism, Climate change, trafficking, Covid, alarmism. The list could go on.

Something even more wrong than trafficking

I am thinking about something even more foundationally wrong than trafficking.

It would be reasonable to say that none of us are ‘angels’, wouldn’t it? In other words, a bit like asking a bunch of friends together, “have you ever told a lie?” The answers would range from “everone does”, to “no-one’s perfect”.

We get the idea that we all do and have done wrong. To expand that, we could say we have all rebelled against God, and some way or other, have hurt other people. It would be a brave, if not deluded person, who would claim they are different to the rest of us in this.

That would be my choice 

We need to have a deep think, turn around and turn to God.

Jesus put it like this:

For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

Matthew 15:19 (NIV) (

What is your opinion?
