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We all have that question sometimes

Do you keep on remembering those times in your life? They can be milestones, or they can be dark nights of despair. Is there meaning in life?

It’s all very well for the guy in the picture – the sunrise is great, the sky is beautiful, and he may be greatly encouraged.



Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

However, for many, they still haven’t found a satisfying answer.

Are we looking in the best places for the answers?

It may sound “religious”, and after all, many would think that extremely uncool, but this is what Jesus said:

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Matthew 6:33 (NIV)  (

The “his” is God’s.

“All these things” could include “Why am I here anyway?” That is, the purpose of your life.

To please the God of the Bible

For me, the purpose of my life has become to please the God of the Bible. I have found him to be perfect, consistent and amazing.

Over time, I have become more and more convinced of that through studying the evidence found in the Bible, by reasoning following on from that, and lastly, my own personal experience over many years.

So to seek to better please him has become more and more an ongoing project of joy for me!

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