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Other people?


They were the 3 choices!

Which would you choose?

On the day, the last was by far the most popular!

I chose the first. It is to do with the most important person I strongly believe I have most offended. Offending God is far worse for me than the way I have offended other people, as serious as that is.

As for myself, I don’t always forgive myself easily or quickly. We all have regrets!

However, offending God by ignoring him, even rejecting him previously in my life, and not always obeying him – that is the basis for my wanting to be forgiven by him.

That’s why I voted the way I did. When I was younger, there came a time when I found I could be forgiven completely by God. It was from what Jesus did, coming to live on this earth as a real human being as well as the Son of God. He willingly became our substitute by completely taking the penalty and shame we deserve ourselves from God, and thereby allowing us to be fully forgiven. I wasn’t looking for it, but it happened anyway. I am eternally grateful!

As for other people that I have offended? I try to ask forgiveness from them as necessary…

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash