Negative consequences follow from our negative actions?

They usually do, but not always. For instance, sickness doesn’t necessarily follow, unless we have been adopting an unhealthy lifestyle.

It is to do with the law of cause and effect. You could even say cosmic justice. 

Most of us would like there to be such a principle in the universe, so that the Hitlers and the Stalins et al could be held responsible for their crimes. 

However, we would rather we ourselves were not hauled up to such a court!


Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

In this life, or the life to come, or both? 

 This is another level, which really makes us think! 

From the Bible’s perspective, it is both. God gives us freedom of choice, since he loves us enough to not just make us robots. We can choose now how to live our lives, and what to do about him, but we won’t be able to choose the eternal consequences. 

“… you may be sure that your sin will find you out.”
Numbers 32:23 (NIV) (

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

Galatians 6:7 (NIV) (


Some would say that “Karma” is the same. However, it is part of Buddhism, which believes there is no God. Who or what or how would our actions, thoughts, and motives be observed, recorded, stored, and then brought to justice after death, without God? “What goes around, comes around” lacks the intelligent being…